3B Digital Case Studies
RSM International - a truly global presence
RSM had been a valued client of ours since 2013. When in 2015 they began their global roll-out of their new corporate brand, and we were delighted and honoured to be brought into the process right from the very beginning.
The British Antique Dealers' Association
The requirements BADA have of us vary enormously over the years; they host and manage one of the largest and most prestigious annual Fine Arts & Antique Fairs in the UK.
A new website for the Old Brightonians - the Alumni of the Brighton College
The brief was essentially very simple: maintain current functionality and content and migrate to the latest version of Joomla and a new fully responsive template.
The Stationers' Company
The Stationers' Company is the City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content industries – could we have hoped for a more perfect fit with 3B?
The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers
One of the most exciting consequences of this project was that it directly put our UX Designer Greg Campbell & Creative Director Alex Bremer (ably assisted on occasion by coding input from Jordan Worner, Tom Getgood & Jack Bremer) right back at the “coalface” for the first time in a long while...