Google Analytics
Working with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the most popular service used to track your website traffic. It is often integrated with Google AdWords in order to generate attribution from paid ads.
As a webmaster, using Google Analytics helps you to optimise your paid advertising, understand user behaviour on various areas of your web content and act on the information fed to you by the free Google Analytics Insights bot.
Basic information on Analytics includes where your visitors come from, how long they stay on your site, whether they return, what their lifetime value is, what their interests are, how they move through your content (and when they leave), browser type, device type, network, page load speeds, scroll depth and purchase/conversion funnels.
You can also analyse your ad groups and aggregate the cumulative return you can attribute to advertising on certain keywords in the reports.
You can also divide your visitors into groups, such as logged in / non logged in users, in order to see how they use the site differently.
What can you do with this information?
Knowing 'who' your traffic is, and understanding 'why' they behave as they do on your site, is an important part of tailoring your website (and ultimately your product) to the needs of your desired market segment.
Do consider 'when' your users tend to search for your products and happen across your site too, as this can offer helpful information into when the best time to trigger your social ads and community posts might be.
Here at 3B we have professionals to help get you set up with your Google Analytics account. We can configure advanced settings including goal attribution, conversion tracking and event logs.
We can also help to understand your audience and optimise your website with an ultimate aim of ranking higher in organic web searches, and serving your customers with quality content.