RSM International - a truly global presence
RSM had been a valued client of ours since 2013. When in 2015 they began their global roll-out of their new corporate brand we were delighted and honoured to be brought into the process right from the very beginning.
We cannot over-emphasise the importance of involving your digital agency early in these matters; we were able to consult on matters relating most especially to SEO, site management (both central and local), goal conversion and brand consistency early enough that decisions relating to these key items were worked into the global strategy right from the outset.
The decision reached was to launch over 80 sites in one day, all on the Drupal Open Source platform, managed from one central code base so that any template and functionality changes could be rolled-out across all the local sites at once (subject to our stringent testing and deployment processes).
As well as the obvious scale of this project challenges included an aggressive timeline, multiple site languages, maintaining SEO rankings on the new domain structure.
The result is a clean and fast responsive collection of sites that will feature heavily when presenting case studies and portfolio work to new prospects and clients, and a relationship with a client that we value very highly as we move to new phases of deployment and app development.
Going forward we now support over 130 of RSM’s site administrators in multiple time zones around the world.