Herein lie the ramblings, not-so-inner monologues and occasional thoughts of various members of the 3B family...
Time marches on… and memories of the Covid 19 lockdowns - and the extraordinary impact they had on our personal and professional lives - seem somehow to fade and dim, as though the experience so many of us share is simply too traumatic to accommodate.
One significant development in this brave new cyber-secure world is the level of governance and compliance that those of us who handle client data must adhere to.
We have nothing against WordPress as a means of building and managing web content; it’s a perfectly wonderful blogging tool and we understand why so many web admins like it. The problem is mainly its community support - or lack of it - and the fact that as a platform it’s become a victim of its own success.
In today's digital landscape, where inbox overload is the norm and consumers demand personalisation, segmenting your email newsletter has emerged as a strategic imperative for businesses of all sizes. By dividing your subscriber base into distinct segments based on demographics, behaviour, preferences, and more, you unlock a treasure trove of opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.
As you may already know, Drupal 7 will be deemed “end of life” on 28 November 2022. But what does this actually mean? For those of you who are wondering, it simply means that the Drupal team will no longer release any security updates for core and contributed modules.
ICO has been sending out letters with the concerning headline “Unpaid data protection fee. Due by 17 December”. It is not uncommon for people to discard letters like that thinking they are spam. If you didn’t ignore the letter, feel free to ignore this email, otherwise we recommend to keep reading.
It’s 6 months now since we were all told to stay home, wash our hands and don’t look strangers in the eye! 6 months of working from home - battling invasions by 4 year olds during video conference calls with patient & understanding staff & clients, cats walking across the keyboard and having to listen to the family enjoy the wonderful weather while I plug away in my study. But most of all 6 months since I saw our staff… & I miss them!
A momentous moment this week as we finally retired a brilliantly clever but creaking Reverse Proxy that has outlived both its life expectancy and original brief…
Tonight (29th April 2020) is a really terrific opportunity to take part in a Pub Quiz with a difference; comedian Alan Carr - patron of the Neuroblastoma UK charity we support here at 3B - is hosting quizmaster for the “Big Pub Quiz” at 8pm.
“Working from home” is suddenly a buzzword - mainly of course because of concerns over Coronavirus COVID-19 and the means by which we might all best limit the speed of transmission.
The nature of creativity is complex and largely subjective; subject to context, time and perception and it often seems we’re living in a time where nothing is new and everything is simply a regurgitation of previous ideas and concepts.
As an agency we write talk and write about Digital Transformation constantly and it’s our assertion that this includes back office protocols. None is more important than personal and professional password hygiene and security.
No matter how fabulous a Digital Marketing strategy is – highly optimised and elegant websites converting visitors into clients, storing secure and compliant data on robust CRMs, passwords encrypted and safely stored out of site etc – sooner or later you’re going to wish your Disaster Recovery protocol had been formulated with a little more imagination and foresight.
Our Creative Director Alex Bremer writes about the wearisome habit of so many agencies to pitch solutions based solely on their experience and comfort zone…
Knowing how to reach out to your target market, engage with them and build your social presence is a whole new world. That is why we introduced a social media management service. When dealing with social media, planning is important! You want your social networks to be consistent and relevant to your audience.
Justifying and articulating why a logo works is an exercise fraught with well-worn cliches, creative psychobabble and straw-grabbing; for the most part one instinctively knows when something is right. In the case of our beloved 3B pencil the appropriateness of application seems endless; aside from the fact that the 3B pencil is specifically a creative one, it remains a direct link with our past whilst remaining relevant today.
We have prepared a plan for small businesses in the UK so they can establish GDPR compliance by the 25th May 2018 deadline. It's intimidating, but by printing off our GDPR steps and following the guide, you'll be able to show the ICO that you're on the road to compliance ASAP.
My goodness there’s a lot of folk out there just beginning to panic a bit!
Not without good reason, you might think? The proposed financial punishments set to be meted out by the ICO make for sobering reading indeed, but for what it’s worth my advice would be to keep calm and carry on.
GDPR Compliance involves data mapping, and this questionnaire will help you to see what data you store, on whom and where you store it. It will also help us identify specific areas of concern so we can prepare recommendations bespoke to your business needs.
With the imminent change to the way Google Chrome will display non-secure HTTP URLs now is the time to be switching your site to use a secure HTTPS connection.
(If you don’t know what HTTP or HTTPS are then read our explanation of what it is and why it is important)