When everything breaks - Disaster Recovery as an Emergency Service
Login details left in plain view at a local fish-and-chiperie to 3B Digital
No matter how fabulous a Digital Marketing strategy is – highly optimised and elegant websites converting visitors into clients, storing secure and compliant data on robust CRMs, passwords encrypted and safely stored out of site etc – sooner or later you’re going to wish your Disaster Recovery protocol had been formulated with a little more imagination and foresight.
Our Creative Director Alex Bremer often refers to 3B Digital as the 4th great Emergency Service – and sometimes it does feel a bit like that. It’s astonishing how often we’re approached by new clients who’ve been left completely “in the lurch” by their old agencies or staff who’ve left (or both) and desperately ask us to dig them out of a hole.
We have to admit to getting a little excited when called into action in this way; it’s hugely satisfying to have an immediately beneficial impact on a new friend – often to the extent that they are able to continue business where they might not have been able to otherwise – and know that they’re now in a more secure and robust state than we found them in.
In purely digital terms a Disaster Recovery strategy will cover and mitigate circumstances surrounding massive / total and cataclysmic loss of all or some of one’s data assets. Some of the most common stumbling blocks are:
Having an insufficient backup strategy
Losing access to accounts storing data or critical information
Failing to securely and reliably store data and its backups
Not having a plan to deal with a loss of equipment or infrastructure so there’s minimal impact to the business
Failing to validate backups and confirm disaster recovery plans work as they should
Improper password storage and sharing
It’s not long ago that poor Jack had to physically visit every computer terminal at a client’s large London office, memory stick in hand, downloading everything and anything that might store passwords (encrypted or not) from everyone’s computer in order that he could categorise them appropriately and grant access through a proper online tool. Prior to that no one had any idea how to change DNS settings, edit their site or access their other online providers – Jack literally saved the day when their IT department ought to have had all this covered.
A well considered and enforced Disaster Recovery protocol may well never actually be needed or actioned but when you need it you REALLY need it! Don’t wait until disaster strikes - get in touch with us now and let us put something in place to protect you.