The Importance Of Search Keywords
Designing your site around visitors’ needs while making sure it is easily accessible to search engines usually produces increasingly positive results over the long-term.
Many firms in your sector have probably not yet optimised parts of their site for search engines which leaves the opportunity open to you to do so.
On the other hand, many of your competitors are probably ranking above you despite your company being the more established!
We can flip this balance around over time with a considered plan of attack, establishing you as the dominant provider.
Websites which rank in the top 3 spots for a search keyword see a 10-37% click through rate from search engine results pages.
This then quickly falls off to 1-2% by the bottom of page 2 (position 20).
To put this in perspective, for Coffee there are at least 246,000 monthly searches in the USA each month.
If we could raise the ranking of your website for that term to just the bottom of page 2, you could expect to see 5,000 extra monthly visitors on that term alone.
Of course, the people who search “Coffee” are less likely to buy from you compared to someone searching “Whole Beans Dark Jamaican Coffee” (if that is EXACTLY what you sell).
Search keywords like these with 4+ words (known as “long tail”) make up 70% of the search traffic around the world, and are where it’s easiest to make ranking gains, and to convert them into warm leads.
Optimising your site for a handful of popular search keywords, alongside as many 4+ word search keywords as possible should raise your incoming web traffic by a significant multiple over the next few years.
Once you’re up there on page 1 & 2, we will be able to give you the advice to keep the content super relevant, so we can keep you there!
In order to do this, we need to work with you to determine the ‘search keywords’ you want to rank well for.
We have a few suggestions for starting this process below:
Finding High Volume Search Keywords
Find 5 high volume keyword (use a tool like Search Keyword Volume Checker)
High volume Keyword 1
High volume Keyword 2
High volume Keyword 3
High volume Keyword 4
High volume Keyword 5
Long Tail Search Keywords
Now imagine how we could expand these search keywords into some “long tail” SEO landing pages in order to aim for page 1. We could do that by combining your high volume keywords with a sector or location.
As long as you don't create these in a spammy manner, and you provide valuable content to someone searching for the below terms, you'll benefit from your Search Keywords Research!
High volume Keyword 1 + Location
High volume Keyword 2 + Location
High volume Keyword 3 + Location
High volume Keyword 4 + Location
High volume Keyword 5 + Location
High volume Keyword 1 + Sector
High volume Keyword 2 + Sector
High volume Keyword 3 + Sector
High volume Keyword 4 + Sector
High volume Keyword 5 + Sector
And so on...