The work we did for MediaTek, a global leader in system on chips, was commissioned by Prophet, a global brand and marketing consultancy. We have worked with Prophet on a number of high-profile digital projects – all of which have required our custom development, technical strategy and design input – and the work with MediaTek was an especially enjoyable and satisfying project experience.
Essentially we were asked to deliver a single-page dynamic site that featured examples of their “everyday genius” as explained in videos and written content. This content would be navigated to from a drawn “cityscape” that featured animated elements to bring it to “life”.
We were delivered beautiful layers of the cityscape and a number of animated elements that we were free to place and move on the page at our discretion. Key hotspots triggered pop-up style vignettes featuring video content.
We consider this project a resounding success delivered on budget and to a tight timeline – we look forward to our next project with our great friends at Prophet.